Review: LUCKY

This book satisfied me in every way. I couldn't help but smile as I read this book; it was contagious. The author's name, Spare Time Novels, immediately piqued my interest in this book. Regarding how I feel about this book, I have to say that it brightened my day. Although it makes me think of "DC movies", I adore the entire plot. This book's irony was yet another intriguing aspect for me. Some people who have read this book would argue that the main character, Darkwood, was excessively aggressive and illogical, but I beg to differ. Despite the brutality with which he accomplished his tasks, all he did ultimately served the interests of the city he cherished.

The main character, Darkwood, also happens to be my favourite. Even though he had a short fuse and would kill or destroy everything that stood in his way without giving it a second thought, he just wanted the city's residents, who paid high taxes, to be able to live their lives in peace. I might be toxic in this regard, but I liked the violence in this book. I felt a surge of support each time Darkwood killed someone in style (me yelling, "Yes!!! He deserves to die!"). Aside from Darkwood, Mr Acid was the other character I loved. Despite being the gang's leader, he was always calm and collected in his actions.

This book was outstanding. There were no mistakes or flaws that I could detect in the book. It was well edited. In all the fun and joy of the book, there was a quote that struck me: "Life has no turns, It's just life, Whether you are wrong or right, it's just life." In actuality, we are the ones who decide what kind of life we lead.

The book was flawless, as was already mentioned, and I didn't find anything negative about it. Thus, I rate the book 4 out of 4 stars.

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Review: LUCKY

I loved what he did with the hostages when he went to Mr. Binary's clubhouse, one of the characters, to get his revenge. He let anyone who told him they loved him go. That showed that, beneath all the violence he exhibited, he still had some level of humanity left. And when some others didn't do much to him, he still respected the fact that people are entitled to have choices too. This portrayed him as a gentleman. I appreciated the writing style. It was plain and easy to understand the narrative. Confusing terms were not present in the book. The storyline had lots of violence. But, I wasn't disturbed by it as it wasn't very detailed. I also liked how fast-paced the story was. This left no room for boredom to creep in. The book was exceptionally well-edited as I found no errors.

I found the book to be interesting, and as such, I'll award it a rating of 4 out of 4 stars.

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Review: LUCKY

John Woods came across as a funny but naughty character. Although his kind of naughty would be considered twisted by some groups, he was a compelling and intriguing character. One minute, he would be engaged in discussions about culture and literature or serving as a defender of the masses, and the next minute, he would be transformed into a fearful villain. He was an impressionable character.

John Woods's character aroused a myriad of emotions. At first, I was persuaded to understand this man's situation because the judge may have overreacted. Then after that came the laughs, which no 'sane' reader would allow their fancy to be tickled far too long by the character's shenanigans, as it soon became disturbingly sinister; also, readers would feel like guilty accomplices if they continued to laugh at Woods's naughty actions. There was also the anger that would be aroused when readers would struggle to understand why Woods wouldn't stop. His character was terrifying in that passive-aggressive psychopath kind of way. With Woods, it was a rollercoaster of emotions.

Also, Ms. Horrible's character came through as adorable. Her encounter with the commissioner's family would have readers cracked up at the ludicrousness of the situation but still tremble with trepidation at its underlying danger.

The writing style evoked a lot of curiosity. It felt like the author was giving readers a tiny nip of the cookie per time. Readers would be left burning with intrigue and wanting more. The style was indeed a breath of fresh air. It made me feel as though the story was a subtle game.

If I were asked why I loved this book, it would be because of the writing style. It was nice that the author's narration did not necessarily comply with conventional prose writing. Who said crime stories could not be simple, precise, and poetic while incorporating attractive features like suspense?

This book had many moments that would leave readers with their mouths open in shock. I felt it with the violent scenes in the book. Though not graphic enough to make readers cringe and withdraw, it would shock them with its unexpected abruptness.

The book mesmerized me with its uniqueness, which created experiences that included excitement, fear, suspense, laughter, and disbelief at the author's boldness with a story like Lucky. It was a strangely satisfying read, and there wasn't anything to dislike.

I'd recommend this book to readers who enjoy crime thrillers. I found a couple of minor errors. However, I’d still rate Lucky four out of four stars.

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I loved the format of this book very much. I loved how carefree Charlie was, how much he cared about Le Femme, and how he wanted her to have more people around her who loved her. Some situations mentioned in the novel were so different, but they only justified their friendship and Charlie’s character more. His character reminds me of a movie character, and it’s quite a famous movie in India. I loved that movie, and so does the novel, though the endings are different for both of them.

Mon Cheri is the shortest novel I've ever read, and it's worth it. It was refreshing for me, as I had been reading non-romantic novels for some time. The last part of chapter 3 reminds me of a movie scene, and it carries on three times, but each time the reaction is so different from the other. I laughed a lot the first time it happened. At the second, I was like, okay, but in the third and the last one, it was emotional and bittersweet. At first, I thought maybe one of them would comfort the other to not take risks, but I loved how comfortable they were and the connection they had with each other.

I like the independent side of Le Femme and how she made some decisions for herself. Charlie’s character was so free and easy. Like eating different flavors of ice cream. I love reading different genres of books, and this one did not disappoint. I love each character, the drama, emotions, and the message in this book.

Likewise, I rate Mon Cheri 4 out of 4 stars. I would recommend it to people who like to travel or who are adventurous. Life is too short, and deciding to seek something that makes you feel free, excited, and wholesome is difficult. Mon Cheri is the one novel you should read if you are going on a vacation.

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Mon Cheri is a novel about a rare friendship and an even rarer love. Spare Time Novels wrote this novella. It documents the crazy antics of two friends whose connection to each other is a thing to be studied. Saying that I liked this book is an understatement of the century. Sometimes, I got scared of how things would end, seeing as they were reckless in their dealings with alcohol and guns. Other times, I caught myself rooting for them to hook up and take things to the next level. Mon Cheri made me laugh and cry simultaneously. It made me wish for Charlie’s and Le Femme’s kind of love.

Each chapter was short, but they each affected me. Each chapter focuses on a couple of minutes or hours in these friends’ lives on their journey to Honey Hill. I liked the way Spare Time Novels chose to write this book. The writing style was indeed refreshing.

Mon Cheri gave me a lot to ponder on. One of the lessons that stood out to me is to live life to the fullest. It teaches me not to be afraid of taking a leap when I have to. It made me understand that life is to be lived and enjoyed, not survived. Like Charlie, I should live more. This lesson is what I liked most in this superb novella.

I recommend this to you if you love short books about rare kinds of adventure. If you love books about friends on a journey, Mon Cheri is a must-read.

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Review: Lucky

Lucky by Spare Time Novels is an exciting book about a hilarious crime lord, John Woods. The book starts with John Woods in prison for arson. After serving some years of his sentence, he is transferred to another prison in Darsmit, where he escapes during a prison break. He soon becomes a terror in the city and prefers to be referred to as Mr. Darkwoods, who grows from being an ordinary criminal to a very popular crime lord. Will the law enforcement agencies be able to bring down Mr. Darkwoods? Or has he grown above the law?

There were lots of things that made the book exciting for me. The characters were well developed. They were cold and hilarious. Sometimes I hated them, especially John Woods, but other times he excited me, as did the other characters. The storyline was great and suspenseful. I loved how unpredictable John Woods was sometimes. There was a lot of violence in the book, but it was exciting. The war was like a movie, and I tried to visualize it. I also loved the song at the end of the book. It was the crazy John Woods, singing, and it was enjoyable.

There were also a few things I did not like about the book. I did not like John Woods sometimes. He seemed impulsive and acted without thinking most of the time, and I felt like yelling at him sometimes. I felt the theory break was unnecessary. It just interrupted the war for me. I mean, who goes on a break in the middle of a war? Only John Woods, who happened to be the narrator, could do that, seeing as he was very powerful and could do whatever he wanted.

My rating for this book is 4 out of 4 stars. The book was well written. It was perfectly edited. I did not spot any errors in the book. The book was easy and fun to read. I found it difficult to put down until I was done reading. I just wanted to know what was going to happen next. The things I mentioned I did not like were not very significant to me and therefore not enough to make me not give the book a perfect rating. There was also a lot of humor in this book. Also, I think Mr. Darkwoods will come for me if I don’t give this book a perfect rating.

I would recommend this book to everyone who likes an action-packed book because this one is full of action. Also, those who are looking for an entertaining book and do not mind the presence of violence will enjoy reading this book. Also, people who like books about crime lords will love this book because it is about a very powerful crime lord.

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